Getting Started With The Formeezy Submissions API
This API was designed to make it as easy as possible for you to access your form submissions data from the backend without having to manage the forms yourself.
Request a selection of form submissions, or a single submission in a quick API call makes it easy for you to create internal systems, customize and store your data as you see fit, and more. We want to power-up your backend with rich information while saving you the headaches involved with accepting and storing submissions.
What can I do with this API?
Currently the Formeezy API is a read-only service, meaning you can't edit, modify, or delete any submissions. We offer you the ability to query and filter your existing submissions following much of the same logic and functionality that is available in app.
Updates and Modifications
The Formeezy API uses a simple, yet easy to follow versioning system to make sure the data you depend on is always there and doesn't change. We try our best to make updates and changes in a way that preserves the current version.
However, if/when we release a new update with any breaking changes, we'll perform a version increment (ie. v1 -> v2) that will safely implement these changes. This means the older version will remain unchanged and accessible, and the new version will be available along with new features including the breaking changes.
How to find the current version
We are current on Version 1 (v1) **v1** /submissions
Does my plan support API requests?
API requests are included in PRO and PLUS account paid plans. This means if you're new to Formeezy, or are using a FREE plan you'll need to upgrade your account to get access, as well as a great deal of other awesome features including:
- Increased account limits
- File storage
- Integrations to Airtable, Slack, Webhooks, and Zapier.
- Custom thank-you pages
- Ability to export all submissions
You can learn more about our plans and pricing here, as well as upgrade and manage your account any time on the billing page of your account.
What API endpoints are available?
Below is a list of our current endpoints and a quick description:
GET All Submissions : Use this endpoint to request an array of all submissions available on your account.
GET Submission By ID : Use this endpoint to request details about a single submission available on your account.
GET Submissions By Form ID : Use this endpoint to request an array of all submissions available on your account for a specific form.
Next Steps
If you'd like to start making API requests, you'll need to generate an API key.
Click here to learn more about how to generate your key and get started.