Power Up Your Backend
Use the Formeezy API to programmatically query and filter your form submission data. Create a key and start making requests in minutes.
Learn how to make authorized requests to the Formeezy API using your generated key.
Learn everything you need to know to start using the Formeezy API to access your account submissions data.
View real-life examples that utilize the Formeezy API to submit and store submissions.
Learn how to get started with the Formeezy API by generating your account API key.
Using this submission API endpoint, you can send a POST request along with a payload to a specific form that will then be available in your Submissions Dashboard, as well as trigger any integrations. This endpoint does not require your X-API-KEY as it is the default public facing endpoint utilized to store submissions on your account.
"email": "hello@example.com",
"message": "Hi there! Just testing this form."
The form request body in FormData or JSON format.
Your unique key for making requests.
Manually add a referer source URL to your form submission.
{'X-URL': 'https://example.com/contact-us'}
The redirect URL needed to complete next steps or continue to thank-you page. Possible URLs include Stripe Checkout, reCAPTCHA, default thank you page, and custom thank you page. This redirect be ignored if you are not using one-click reCAPTCHA or Stripe, and would prefer to manage success/error states manually.
"status": 404,
"message": "Not Found: This form has been deleted, or does not exist. Please check your form URL.",
"redirect" : "https://formeezy.com/app/error?status=400&message=This+is+an+error+message."
The HTTP status code of the request.
The error message of the request.
The default error URL provided.
Using this submission API endpoint, you can return a list of submissions using various filters that are similar to the functionality available in your Formeezy submissions dashboard.
Your unique key for making requests.
Array of submissions matching this query.
The ID of the submission.
The date this submission was created.
The current spam status of this submission.
The current read/unread status.
The ID of the form this submission was sent to.
The body of your form submission.
The total number of submissions for this search.
The number of results per page.
The current page of results.
The number of pages total for this query.
Whether there are more results or not.
Using this submission API endpoint, you can return a list of submissions for a specific form using various filters that are similar to the functionality available in your Formeezy forms dashboard.
Your unique key for making requests.
Array of submissions matching this query.
The ID of the submission.
The date this submission was created.
The current spam status of this submission.
The current read/unread status.
The ID of the form this submission was sent to.
The body of your form submission.
The total number of submissions for this search.
The number of results per page.
The current page of results.
The number of pages total for this query.
Whether there are more results or not.
Using this submission API endpoint, you can return a list of submissions using various filters that are similar to the functionality available in your Formeezy submissions dashboard.
Your unique key for making requests.
The ID of the submission.
The date this submission was created.
The current spam status of this submission.
The current read/unread status.
The ID of the form this submission was sent to.
The body of your form submission.
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